Monday, November 8, 2010


I just saw that another friend of mine had started a blog, and I thought about dustin' this old blog off again and giving it a shot.
The good news is that blogger is currently not blocked at work. If this was from home there would be no chance I'd update it. But if I have a minute during lunch or after work then I'm happy to update as possible. At home these days I'm rarely even on fac.ebook so I'm happy to see updates here!
So here are the stats:
Jill - 31
Jose - 34 (birthday is on Wednesday! The big 35!)
Macie - 6 months (as of yesterday!)
It's just been amazing to see her grow and I can't say enough how much I'm enjoying being a mom.
I'll post more later, I'm just dipping my feet back in this blog world.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

38 weeks and one week left

So the title is referring to this baby girl who is on her way (so I hope!).
Today is 38 weeks along and this will be my last week at work (if I can make it through the whole thing). It should be okay, it's state testing week so I'm hoping for an 'easy' week. But what I've learned is that teaching at Ron Hock.walt, when you think you're in for an easy day, it rarely turns out that way. But at any rate, we're getting ready.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Seniors in High School

One of the homework questions for my civics clas whas which branch of gov't awards federal grants and contracts.
About half of them wrote either the 'national' branch or the 'federal' branch.
These are seniors in high school. And no, not at the continuation school, but at Wal.nut High School. Yikes!
And I know this isn't my fault. I'm very clear about our 3 branches of gov't. I'm really good at remembering which ones they are. I say it a lot.

Oh yeah, they were allowed to use the book, too.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rainy days in So. Cal.

So this is the start of the new semester and teaching at a continuation school is interesting about now. I had about half of my students leave to go to their 'home' schools, of either Dbar or Whs, but I also have a whole group of new kids who have been recently kicked out of dbar or get the picture.
So it's so frustrating that if I start teaching yesterday, than the students that are trickling in all week are behind, but if I don't teach then I'm wasting the tax payers money and demonstrating to these kids that academics really aren't that important. Heck the class periods are already only 44 minutes long, the kids don't get assigned homework, and I'm about 3 months behind the other US history classes at the 'regular' high schools.
So in my naivity I started teaching yesterday and I'm continuing, but I am re-explaining myself over and over again. Boo.
Plus, I think the rain just makes the kids bounce off the walls, so they're more hyped up than usual. And remember, these are 17-18 year old kids I'm dealing with. They're going to be full-fledged adults (according to the state) when they graduate.
I am sorry to say, that I just don't know if this is the best way to help the struggling students. I don't know what I think the best way is, but it seems that here at RHA, we let them behave worse with lower expectations and tell ourselves that we're doing them a favor.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Almost a year

See the thing is, I had almost forgotten this blog exisited. Mostly because I felt like until I had children I didn't have anything else to say. And while I know that's not true, I think that's why I let this blog die a slow death. I see it's been almost an entire year since the last time I posted, so obviously a lot has changed and gone on.
Then I got an email from my Sister in Law (SIL) who asked why I don't update the blog. And I couldn't respond, because I didn't know.
But here I am. Updating the blog.
So if you know me at all, these are things you probably know. But in case you don't, let me catch you up to speed.
My husband and I are both teachers. My husband is a Chemistry/Physics teacher at Di.amond Bar High School (and the dots that you'll find between words sometimes are just there so that if someone does a good search for Dia.mond Bar High School - without the dots - that my blog won't show up as a match. A good internet tip for ya!) and I teach at two different high schools. I am at Ron Hoc.kwalt Acadmies for peirods 0-4 and then at W.alnut High for periods 5 and 6. I teach history, and this year I am teaching US History, Economics, and Civics. It's a busy schedule, and teaching delinquent children can often be a pain, but I am very grateful to have a job in any place and the district has been very good to both Jose and I.
Also, we are expecting our first child on May 2nd this year. We tried for a long time to have kids and were finally blessed. It's not the timing we wanted, but it is God's perfect timing. So again we're thrilled.
And did I mention, it's a girl? It is. Again, we're very excited.

I think that's enough for one post, I've got to slowly stretch my blogging muscles and get myself back on the waggon. So if you're reading this, post a comment so I know if there's even an audience for this! Ha.