Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Vacation

Well, here we are and I love it! This is the second week I've been out of school and I'm just lapping it up. Last week was fun because Jose had 3 days off before summer school started, so we really enjoyed ourselves. We had debated about renewing our dis.neyland passes because we knew she was just too little to appriciate all things di.sney. HOWEVER, we realized that most of our friends have them and WE miss them, so we took Jose's coaching stipend and purchased them.
Family picture outside the petting zoo.
Waiting for the Mark T.wain boat to go!
We went on a few rides - I think was the current favorite, and have since been there 3 times (only for a few hours at a time...girl's got to nap).

Here's Macie girl with her dad on the teacups.

Then we were able to take a short family vacation to Huntin.gton Beach and stay at the Hy.att (which I HIGHLY reccommend, especially for families).

Okay, and this picture is just one of my favorites. my mom bought this outfit for Macie and I realized I needed to put her in it before she outgrew it. Shirley Temple Black lookout!
And this last picture just goes to show the bigger you are, the harder you cry. (this is baby Logan with Macie by the way)
Happy summer everyone!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Macie's First Birthday!

So it's been a while since I've updated (and I know the 3 of you are on the edge of your seats) but I got my brother's pictures from Macie's party, so I thought I'd share a little of our fun day.

We were at a local park and we had a cowgirl theme for the day. It was super fun to surprise my mom (the next day was mothers day) by flying her sister and mother down from Northern California for the pary.

Mostly the day revolved around the cake.
And Presents (thank you everyone!)
It was a day long coming, and for those of you who prayed for Macie even before she was here, we thank you. Hopefully there will be lots more fun to be had. And next year, we're going very low-key. Ha.