Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So long!

It's been way too long since my last post. To update:

Walnut lost to Diamond Bar in the Branding Iron game... oh well. Good for Diamond Bar.

Jose has started classes at Cal Poly for his masters degree. He's so smart!

Jill is still playing off and on in the band at church, it's really fun.
Church is going awesome! God is doing big things at Vantagepoint (www.vantagepointchurch.org)

Jill is starting her 8th year of meeting with her small group. What a neat thing to be apart of. These ladies are stars!

Summer is all the way over and now we're already planning our next Europe trip! - Spring break
2009 - France, Germany, and the Alps. If you want to go, adults are 2800 and students are 2600 (that's the all inclusive cost - not counting your lunches and suveniers). Send Jose or I an email. We're taking signups now! (www.eftours.com)

Gipper and Nancy are still awesome. Gipper had an eye infection, but nothing an 80 dollar trip to the vet can't fix.

More to come, but please, don't give up on this blog! It's just been busy!

1 comment:

Traci said...

France, Germany, and the Alps. Not a bad choice! Glad the pooches are doing well, minus the eye problem. Yeah for good old DB HS! :-) Have a lovely day!